Saturday, September 20, 2008

Up in the middle of the night.....

I know this will get to be routine again, but it never feels normal to get up 4 times in the middle of the night. At this moment I really could go back to sleep. Babies are fed and back down, cuddled together in bed. Hubby is snoozing. Except I can't go back to sleep. I suppose my brain is on overload trying to process the events of the week.

How could I have known when I woke up on Thursday that my nice, quiet weekend would be turned into a whirlwind and life would be forever changed with two little bundles of love? Who knew that God had divinely orchestrated every single step, from our home study being finished the evening before or a planned meeting with our adoption experts that very morning? The Lord knew.......He wrote these days before even one of them came to be.

I am tired, but cannot imagine how a nice, quiet weekend could have been more fulfilling than this great journey. It's been kind of like planning to enjoy the glacier at St. Mary's and finding yourself climbing Quandary Peak. Exhausted, yet exhilarated. Out of breath, but full of life.

Good night......if you are up in the middle of the night, remember that your days have been written in His book too. Sweet dreams.


David Andrew Gagne said...

That's the way they became the Bohlander Bunch!

Anonymous said...

congrats on your two new beautiful additions!