Sunday, January 27, 2008

Date Night

The longer we are married, the more I look forward to date night. I realize that I kind of like that cute, little bald guy and in the land before offspring, we actually gazed at each other and talked alot. That's mucho fun. With the third Call coming in about 5 weeks, right behind OneThing and Christmas, date night was long overdue. So last night we called Spunky and she entertained the offspring while Baldy and I went out on the town.

Our dates are increasingly less structured and more "let's just talk". We ate yummy salad at D & D, grabbed an organic chocolate bar and sipped Americano at Starbucks (decaf for me). After talking each others ears off and listening to the 20 year old music flowing through the speakers, we headed over to the family fitness center we just joined (which deserves a post of its own, trust me!). Randy provided running commentary for the soundless tv's on the wall as we jogged our guts out. The hot tub and the sauna were the perfect ending, I LOVE this place!

I think the whole date was less than 20 bucks, but it was priceless and much needed time together. Reminds me of the time in college when Randy picked me up for a surprise date. I really was surprised because I knew he was broke -- but he was so creative. He had gotten a bag of fresh rolls and a jar of apple butter (a favorite) and we drove around neighborhoods eating white bread and looking at Christmas lights, probably talking about what we would want to be doing in 20 years.

Well, here we are, babe -- 20 years later. Not that much further from broke and still craving simple dates with you!

**Tell us your favorite cheap, creative date. It may be an inspiration for some other couple who desperately need a night out**

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