Friday, May 04, 2007

Coming out of hiding......

Not that I was really in hiding. I kind of just got real busy all of a sudden and felt a bit overwhelmed at the thought of writing something worthwhile in the midst of it all. The last month or so I have captured my thoughts in my moleskin rather than the blog.

There are quite a few reasons, actually, that I have taken a little break. I won't go into it now, just suffice it to say I am back and will try to post more than monthly.

Ya' know, having four children is more work than three. Yes, I hear the collective "DUH" from the crowd, but who would'a thunk that one little, tiny baby added to the chaos
of three rambunctious boys would really make such a difference?

It's after midnight -- meaning it's officially "tomorrow" and I should get some sleep while I can. I hear our house guests coming through the door now from their late night in the prayer room, so the mom in me can rest at ease. All the chickadees are back in the nest.

Good night, all!

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