Tuesday, January 30, 2007

Study, study

I am sitting in Randy's plush little office, quietly sipping my Amaretto steamer (which I think has been spiked with espresso) and trying to gaze studiously at my Millennial Kingdom notes so that I have something to say to the Simeon's tomorrow morning. Actually, this is my favorite of the 8 Omega sessions and I am filled with excitement to be able to teach it. Murray got first pick last time and I got stuck with Armageddon. Just kidding. That is just as fun - as long as you end up on the right side of the battle.

I have so much in my head that I want to blog as of late, but I have been spending life one handed. Not because I have been injured, but because a certain someone who happens to be very cute and 2 feet tall has taken up residence in my left arm. It's hard to type and think one handed.

Lots and lots of new things on the horizon in Bohlenderville. Watch my blog for big announcements and the journey of my heart! (No, I am not pregnant. Just thought I would put that rumor to rest before it even starts.)

In the spirit of Shawn Blanc, I will shamelessly ask you to leave a comment today. I would just love to hear from you invisible people! For an extrovert, blogging is a bit on the edge of introspective. I would love to make it more of a "conversation".

OK, off to peer into the Millennium.

"Life is not right until You split the sky. The Spirit and the Bride say, 'COME!'"
-New chorus by Tim Reimherr and team


Shelley Paulson said...

I'm here! Can't wait to see you next week! :D

Ooooh, and I just noticed I'm on your list of favorite people. You are also on mine. Awwwwww.

Kelsey Bohlender said...

Wahoo, Shelley! Maybe we can coax Tracie into using one of her coffee cards in her great Christmas stash.

Tracie -- what a great way to start the journal!!

Randy Bohlender said...

Ha! HAHAHAA! "In the spirit of Shawn Blanc...".

That rocks your comment section.

The Weaver Family said...

Hello. I am excited to come back to the e12 in a few weeks. Izzy says hi too. =-)

Kelsey Bohlender said...

Yay for e12! We can't wait!

Tracie said...

Coffee cards are burning a serious hole in my pocket!
Sounds like a fabulous time!
And I for one love being witness to the "journey of your heart"...

Unknown said...

i'm invisible... but i've been reading your blog for a couple of months.

i fear that this could mark an inevitable step... into being seen on a blog... :)

Anonymous said...

Hey Kelsey...I read up on you guys just about everyday! I always make Troy read when it is something particularly interesting or hillariously Randy style! We get a kick out of Jackson's videos and shake are heads thinking...I don't remember acting like that at 14. We live with one too you know and it is just as bad!

You inspire me...thanks for taking the time to send me the email a few weeks ago. I can't even begin to tell you the things God has been doing in the past couple of weeks. Last week especially! All I can say is WOW and it makes me like a kid getting ready to take a trip when I anticipate going into His presence! Thanks for being transparent and vulnerable...quite honestly I am finding it is the only place to be because it is right where HE wants me!

Love you guys!

P.S. I revolt at the idea of Randy being prez and the thought of Troy supporting or contributing to his chaos...Personally, I thought you would have made great competition for Hilliary! He would make a good First Husband! You however...a much better President!

P said...


I say we get you voice software so that you can wear a headset and just speak. Then you can get a lot done. And it its a WIRELESS headset, well then....

Love you very much, and the Henrys miss you. We are excited about any news of Kelsey.

javamamma said...

Hi from a friend of a friend - the amazing Kari has been an iron (as in sharpening iron) in my life for many years. I've enjoyed reading ya for several months now.

Michaela said...

I too am lurking out in readersville. Loved your class last spring... I'm looking forward to taking another one hopefully soon. I move back in one month. :) yay!


Esther Irwin said...

Awww, Kelsey, I wish I could be there to hold that certain 2' tall little girl!! Sounds like you have 'mommy arms'. It would also be wonderful to sit under your teaching on end times.

Elizabeth Kosorski said...

I think you and Randy should come to Fort Mill and teach, and bring the kids too....I miss you and the funny littler bald man... talk soon,

Anonymous said...

Hi Kelsey,
I am a lurker, so I will introduce myself. I found your blog through Randy's via Sliker's, via Shawn's. My girls are both Ihoppers, one at FSM, one part-time prayer staff. We live in California. Looking forward to the regional onething in Sacramento next month since we pretty much love all things IHOP. (I am kind of addicted to the prayer room webcast) Anyway blessings to you and your great family. I will be in KCMO in March,if I see you I will introduce myself. BTW, love blogs by women, thank you.

Kristi Walsh said...

love ya, Kels!

Anonymous said...

Hi Kelsey!
We're loving you from the east coast
- home of the Annapolis Geverdts!

Liz said...

So if you end up on the left side of the battle you are in for it? ;)

We are digging into the Millennial Reign in our Egroup and it is rocking me too. I remember once you said, "I spend all my extra time thinking about the 1000-year Reign of Christ!"

You are my hero.

Anonymous said...

A day late (or 2 or 3) Hi!

Love ya Kels! You're the greatest! I mean it, you endtimes teachin', organic eatin', jesus lovin', hip dressin', great picture takin', funlovin', laughin', cryin' mama of 4!