Wednesday, January 03, 2007

Fun with Friends

Spontaneous fun is always, well, uh....FUN. It always feel a bit more like, "hey we're family" than "hey, can we schedule dinner in February?" We hung out at the local Mexican dive tonight with our good buddies and ate for under ten bucks. It was a win-win.

Discussion topics included the new IHOP stage, our collective need to begin an exercise program and flying monkeys.

Also tonight my son Jackson played the role of "hero" by collecting enough money from various surprise-party-goers to purchase Truman a 30 GB iPod for his 16th birthday. Scha-weet.

Uh-oh, Zoe is crying.....later.

1 comment:

Esther Irwin said...

I haven't figured out the stage yet from the video. Did they move the drummer? singers? I'm not sure I'll get back to IHOP this year, so guess I'll just have to keep guessing on the positions of everyone.