Monday, May 15, 2006

Mother's Day was great! Lindsay and Aidan Wenth came over for lunch to help celebrate. Randy cooked an elaborate meal (salad and Costco pizza) and then in the afternoon, the boys went to play at a friend's hosue while Mommy took a nap! I can't remember the last time I took a 2 hour nap, but let me tell you, it was the best Mother's Day gift ever. When I got up we had Sheridan's -- my last for awhile. Then the boys came home, Daddy read them Narnia and we ended the day with family taebo. It was hilarious. You know you are completely out of shape when you get exhausted during the warm-up. The boys went to bed and Randy and I stayed up studying and pondering the Zechariah 5 woman in the basket -- she's the Revelation 17 harlot, isn't she?? Anyway, that was about the perfect ending to a great day!


Marci Lewellen said...

I am glad for your mother's day... mine was pretty great too...

In the army sometimes for a break from the normal routine of running forever and doing millions of push ups we would do taebo... people actually laughed at me... I am not that coordinated.

what other commentary or passage besides (Rev 17) are you using to "ponder" over Zach 5... I am having trouble even trying to have right information to ponder...

Randy Bohlender said...

Is this true? You were blogging at 4:57 AM?!?!?!

Anonymous said...

I surely understand how precious a gift of a two hour nap can be ! Yes, what a wonderful Mother's Day gift for a wonderful mother !

Kelsey Bohlender said...

Nope - didn't know there WAS a 4:57 AM! Ha! Something dorky with my settings, no doubt.

Kelsey Bohlender said...

KIM TURNBO!!! Wahoo! You rock! We sure do miss the you have a blog?

Kelsey Bohlender said...

Marci -- I google most everything. I also use as my standard study tool. It's got tons of stuff! Love ya!