Tuesday, July 08, 2008

19 Years (a day late)

Yesterday we celebrated our 19th anniversary.  Thelma told me today that I don't look old enough to be married 19 years.  (Thanks, Thelma!) Of course, I didn't mention that I got married when I was 12.

Actually I was of legal age and right mind when I said "YES" to the adventure of spending my life with this man.  And I assure you, it has been nothing short of adventure!!!  We started out in Gas City, Kansas living on a gravel road with cows, leading a youth group of 5.  We successfully pastored it to 3 before leaving Kansas to move in with his parents on the farm and slept for 3 months in a 3/4 bed.  That is not a typo.  A 3/4 bed is a like a twin bed that went to college, but didn't quite graduate into full-size.  Needless to say, we cuddled a bunch. 

We have lived in 17 different houses (if you include the farm, the Ladd's cabin, the Bosley's guest room and the trailer on top of the gravel pit) and driven more weird cars than I can possibly remember.  I look back on some of those early years and realize we lived below the poverty level, but I don't ever remember feeling poor.  In fact, I have always felt rich having my best friend at my side, knowing we could get through anything together.

Randy has always been able to make me laugh.  Even when I didn't want to laugh.  When we first got married, he wasn't entirely tuned into the fact that I was more a night watcher and not so much a morning person.  He would get up so stinking cheerful and had a little song he would sing to wake me up.  We have affectionately named this "The Good Morning Song".  It would so annoy me and I would just want to kick, scream and go back to sleep.  But somehow I would always end up laughing......that's kind of been the story of our life together. (Not the kicking and screaming -- the laughing part.)

19 years seems like a long, long time.  How come it seems like we just started this adventure? I guess because I know there is so much in front of us and I love the thought of dreaming together, jumping off a few more cliffs and, of course, the laughter that will certainly follow.

In the spirit of my friend Tracie (who also got married on 7/7), here are a few factoids about our wedding day, just for the fun of it.  

1. Yes, it is true, I was aghast that Randy would even consider wearing cowboy boots to our formal rehearsal dinner.  Where did he grow up?  

2.  Randy's blessed little dad spent the whole day of the wedding filling 350 balloons with helium for the reception.  People let balloons fly instead of throwing rice. Don't stone me; I wasn't environmentally aware back then.

3.  I wore a mermaid dress.  And my hair was very, very poofy. So was Randy's.  

4.  I bought my earrings the day of the wedding at Tri-County Mall.  What was I thinking?

5.  Randy sang me the song, "Find Us Faithful".  I still get all choked up when I hear it.  

6.  We had a commissioning service at the end and our bridal party laid hands on us and prayed for us to be sent into the ministry.  

7.  In typical A/G fashion, there was no dancing at our reception.  You will be glad to know that we have now been set free. 

Next year, expect an invitation to a huge party celebrating our 20th.  I am all about parties, dancing and laughter.  Most of all I am all about my wonderful husband!  I love you Randy James Bohlender and look forward with great expectation to our many adventures ahead, even if you do sing me the Good Morning Song, give me lines and make me sleep on the monster side.  


Anonymous said...

I got married in 2005 and I wore a lacy strapless mermaid dress and we also didn't have dancing at our reception - mostly because neither of us really know how to dance - lol. :)

Anonymous said...

Congratulations on 19 love-filled, God-blessed years! I wish you many, many more!

I hope you all have a wonderful vacation. Enjoy every minute!

Mrs. I.

P.S. I checked Randy's blog and there was no "Twitter." Very sad. I've enjoyed the Twittering even though I don't know what he's talking about half the time!! : )

Marci Lewellen said...

you guys are my heroes... I love how you love each other... and the best part is that I knew that without even reading a love post :)