Monday, November 26, 2007

Kindergarten Worship Leader

Imagine my joy today as I walked past the kindergarten room and a mother said to me, "Have you seen what is going on in there? It's priceless!" My curiosity aroused, I peeked my head into the classroom to see all the kids crowded around my Zion who was perched on a chair, strumming his guitar and leading a rapid fire prayer set. I guess he led the afternoon prayer time and has been asked to bring his guitar to Bible class on Wednesday. Perhaps now is the time to teach him a few chords!

I remember when he was 2 and Gramma made him his first cardboard guitar, complete with rubber bands for his little fingers to strum. He would stand on the fireplace mantel for a couple hours a day, singing spontaneously as he had seen it done in the prayer room. At the time, Todd Ganovski was his role model and his favorite chorus was "Holy is the Sheep".

Four years, six guitars and a drum set later, Zion is still strumming and pounding away, often singing a Luke Wood or Misty Edwards original. Tonight, Gramma set up the iMac-cam to try to capture the raw emotion of Zion practicing alone in his room. Another priceless moment frozen in time!


Ronni Hall said...

That is AWESOME! I'm telling you... I can't wait to see what he is doing in 10 years!!! Heck in 5!!!

Tracie said...