Sunday, January 07, 2007

Psalm 23 is the bomb.

In studying for prayer leading this week, I was mulling over Psalm 23 and was astounded at the timeless implications of this song. Not only is it for right now, present time always, but I am seeing such future tense, last days hints in it as well.

My first "aha" happened when I read that the word "restore" in verse 3 doesn't mean "refresh" like I have thought all these years. It literally means "return" -- "He returns my soul...." When I wander, He pursues me and causes me to come back. His kindness leads me to the path of repentance. When I become the 1 and leave the 99 behind, He aggressively chases me and returns me to the safety of the flock. This realization made my time of pondering very rich.

As for the end times "aha" - there are many, but my favorite is "Your rod and Your staff, they comfort me". It's the same "rod" used in Psalm 2. I can just hear David -- "I know you are coming back with an iron scepter to dash the nations and take up residence in Jerusalem. Your authority is my anchor and my comfort".

He really is coming. Ahmadenijad can rant all he wants, but the man Jesus will dominate Jerusalem, Babylon, Kufa and the rest of it. In the midst of what is coming, His rod comforts me.

What kind of end times scenes do you see hinted at in Psalm 23?


Anonymous said...

Word of advice: the phrase "The Bomb" might not be the best to use now days.

Love the post!

Anonymous said...

Kelsey, I just love when you share your aha moments, because they're often aha's for me, too! What a cool revelation about restore...

Anonymous said...

Amen, Kelsey! I have been stuck in Psalm 23 for quite a while.. the revelation in that song is indeed endless...