Saturday, January 13, 2007

Craving for Power (Tools)

Very few power tools intimidate me, but I must admit I met my match tonight as we wound up the gears of the wet saw and went at the tile backsplash.

See, a perfect birthday or Christmas gift for me would be either a Bible commentary or a power tool. I drool when I am in Home Depot. I love to look at tools and gadgets that might make my next project more fun or even easier. Like a paint sprayer -- how cool is that? Or a jigsaw. The next big thing I am eying is an electric sander. Oooolala.

However, a wet saw is not on my list. I don't care if I never learn how to use one. Randy knows how and that's all I need. He cut, I gooped and stuck (not the technical term, I'm sure). And walla, our backsplash is complete! (See pics at his blog -- I'm too tired to post them!).

Our kitchen might actually be FINISHED this week -- can you believe it? All we have left is grout, a little paint and a few pieces of trim. I won't know how to act!

1 comment:

Tracie said...

I've always wanted a jig saw! Seriously!
I was so proud of myself for FINALLY buying an electric screwdriver. I really need a drill next though!