Sunday, December 17, 2006

What was I thinking??

The artistic bend in me sometimes causes me to throw all common sense out the window for moments at a time. For many weeks, Jackson has been working on a design to present to his art teacher for screen printing on a t-shirt. Last Friday was the day of reckoning and over breakfast he showed me his final designs. One I had seen before, a dolphin jumping and words that proclaimed the wearer "Dolphin Friendly". Cute. The other was new and in my sleep-deprived stupor I took a glance and told him, "Very creative. I like that one alot."

It wasn't until mid-day that it hit me -- Jackson can NOT turn that design in! It's horrible! What have I done! He could never wear the shirt in public, particularly on field trips to the Middle East! I sent him a text message telling him he had to call me before art. It was imperative. Turns out Dad saved the day and had already put the kabash on the new design. See for yourselves folks......

1 comment:

Jerry James said...

I am sure he WOULD want to wear that one on a field trip to the Middle East! When I first saw it, it made me laugh . . . but then on second thought ????