Wednesday, August 16, 2006

It's late - again. But tonight there is a sense of, ahhh, that part is over. We had our final home study interview and house inspection tonight. I don't know what I expected, something more Nazi-esque and less James Dobson. We got the royal treatment from our social worker and tons of great advice. The first part of the journey is over, and for this O Lord, we thank Thee. And she didn't even care about that shoe on the wall....uh, I mean those wires sticking out the ceiling.

I did wonder this afternoon what the chances are that we could screw this up and I was reminded of the time I took Jackson to Schilling School for Gifted Children for his admissions interview. He was 6 and more talkative than normal. The interview went great until Sandy Schilling asked him, "Jackson, what do you think your strengths are - what are you good at?" He thought for a moment and blurted out, "Well, I know where my dad keeps his guns and I know how to use them". I wanted to melt into the floor. I think I about wet my pants. I could not believe what I had just heard my child say! Surely we were toast. Surely Mrs. Schilling was pushing the red button that was wired directly to Social Services. And surely, we would NOT be accepted to this school.

Let's just say I had a moment like that tonight, but at the end of the day, she is still recommending our family for adoption. Wahoo! God has mercy on dorks like us!

Off to the beach in just a few hours. I think I will try to sleep.


P said...

I think the bible says "No weapon formed against you will prosper" which would actually include ourselves!!!!!

I would admit Jackson right there! Hes STILL like that.

Esther Irwin said...

Soooo, does Jackson know that parents work together and he will get pictures AND stories told about him? He might just wish he was only grounded!! GO KELSEY!!

Anonymous said...

I feel more relaxed just reading your and Randy's posts! This trip seems perfectly timed for you. I'm praying for you to experience rest on many levels... :-D