Sunday, July 02, 2006

It's 1:30 in the morning and I am sitting on Katie Bennett's bed (she is not in it - she's down at Camp David) pondering the day. Wow. I am full -- in body and spirit. Kirk and Dee just took me to Applebee's where I had what I always have (Spinach Shrimp Salad - no shrimp, add steak. A little Dave Sheldon action.) and we talked about Joel 2 and the stuff coming down the pike for our nation. It is always amazing to be with the Bennett's . Kirk and Dee are the kind of people you want to lean in to hear when they speak.

My day has been full of big opportunities - mostly to live out Matthew 5-6-7. Love, show mercy, walk unoffended. It's so much easier to just get up and preach than it is to DO this stuff. That's why God gave me the chance to DO the stuff before I got up to speak tonight. He is so merciful. Once again, He orchestrated a series of offensive events as an invitation to posture my heart in righteousness to gain heavenly authority. His ways are so mysterious - and so right.

I think I am turning into a night watcher on this trip. I probably need to go explore the inside of my eyelids!

God, you are good and your mercy endures forever. For real.


Jerry James said...

So when the Bennett's were speaking, and you were leaning in,
what did they say about the stuff coming down the pike for our nation?

Kelsey Bohlender said...

Jerry - funny you should ask. Kirk said "Joel 2". They are going on a 21 day fast on July 5 as a community. It's a solemn assembly to provoke the "perhaps" of God that He might relent from sending calamity. Sounds like a good idea!

Kelsey Bohlender said...

Sean - thanks so much!