Thursday, June 29, 2006

You know it's time to do more sit-ups when......

I am sitting here enjoying sweet cuddle time with my little boys. Zion is at the foot of the bed with his new Lord of the Rings sword, complete with sounds and lights. Amidst the clink, clang, chink of the 4 year old warrior, son number two is next to me leaning on the pillow. He looks over at me and with great affection asks, "Mom, are you pregnant?", while glancing down at my mid-section. I have to admit to him, "No, it is just my flab son". He laughs and I decide I need to go excercise!!


Anonymous said...

OH MY GOODNESS! The wonderful and disarming boldness of our children. Saying what we are SO often wouldn't...

Esther Irwin said...

Don't feel too bad, Kelsey; at least it was your son who asked. I was wearing a new dress for Easter when my daughter was 2 and one of the ladies at church ask the same question. I never wore that dress again. Sad but true!

P said...

I could go there, but I wont. Safe to say I have to ask myself if Im pregnant almost every morning....

Brent Steeno said...

wow. not many people would post that. you just went up a notch in my book.