Sunday, June 18, 2006

Satan really hates being exposed.....

And when he feels his antiChrist is about to be told on, I think he must go into high attack gear. We have experienced unprecented stupid stuff in the last couple days. More water line breaks, computer problems, minor injuries, bad dreams, grumpies -- more than normal to the point where we are saying "what is UP?" Over lunch with a comrade yesterday, Randy shared the abnormal events and the friend said plainly that this is no doubt because we are on the cusp of the Omega Intensive. Duh. Why didn't we think of that? So we had a little kitchen table (well, minus the kitchen) prayer meeting late last night. It was cool - felt like this was exactly the way to respond. Again, DUH! Angelic forces are released in response to our weak prayers. For real.

Today is Camp Day! The kiddos are all packed and ready to go. Now if Grayson can just remember to brush his teeth while gone, we will be in good shape. I was explaining to him that "this bottle is the shampoo - take this with you to the showers" and his repsonse was, "I don't have to take a shower - we're going swimming!" I really am raising a monkey!

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