Saturday, August 12, 2006


Call me Gumby -- God is stretching me! I taught two breakout sessions today at the Prophetic Conference. When I was emailed the topics I nearly swallowed my tongue. "Hearing God's Voice" and "Living a Prophetic Life". Huh. No End Times? What was a girl to do???? But since I had nothing else to do this week (let me wipe the sarcasm that is dripping from my chin), I dove in. In between the big adoption shin-dig, dodging the construction mess, and general Mom-type stuff, Holy Spirit helped me prepare to teach on a subject I've never taught on. I got some good advice from a visiting Z-HOPper -- "Kelsey, this message is IN you, this is just the chance for it to come out." I thought, ya know, she's right! I do this stuff, now let's just talk about it. I had to ponder, ok, how do I personally hear God's voice? I found out that it's not so weird after all. Pretty straightforward really. And the whole prophetic lifestyle? Not weird either. At the end of the day, the only way to be truly prophetic is to live the lessons of the Sermon on the Mount. We make this prophetic stuff way more complicated than it is meant to be. "The testimony of Jesus is the spirit of prophecy!" Make your life a declaration of who He is - to men and angels. Yep, I said angels. (Eph. 3:10). Wild stuff.

Mike and Lenny -- thanks guys! It was a little like learning to swim by being thrown off the diving board in the deep end. I cried alot at first, but in the end it's a win for everyone. Smiles.


Kristi Walsh said...

I bet you were awesome. I'd sit and listen to you anyday. Come to think of it, I get to soon.....over a cup of steaming chai (or a bowl of Coldstone)! Can't wait to catch up with you and hear all of what's on your heart and what's been happening.

Jenny Powell said...

Can't wait to hear the mp3s!!!

Anonymous said...

amen!! good stuff :-) you're great mrs. bohlender!